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comms• September 6, 2017• English, Learn About Vietnam's Primates
Sometimes with a quick look on photos or on a quick tour, you cannot know exactly what the differences between Bengal slow loris (or Northern slow loris) and Pygmy loris are. Today EPRC will help you to become an amateur expert on these lovely animals
They both belong to the Slow Loris group (Nycticebus) and they are both native to Vietnam. They are both classified as “Vulnerable” as their population in the wild is decreasing rapidly due to illegal trade and bushmeat.
Bengal slow loris is the largest species of slow loris. One adult can weight from 1-2.1 kg.
Meanwhile, an adult pygmy loris can top only 450 gram – 650 gram.
Bengal slow loris has Pink feet and ears.
Pygmy loris has Black feet and ears.
Bengal slow loris has brown-gray fur on its back and white fur on its underside.
Pygmy loris has reddish-brown fur in summer. In winter, gray hairs intermingle with the brown hair and a blackish stripe appears on its back.
Established in 1993, EPRC is a not for profit project dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, breeding, research and conservation of Vietnam’s endangered and critically endangered primate species.
© Endangered Primate Rescue Center 2020