Vinh is telling us about his experience as Technical Head Keeper!
Vinh, you have been working here for a while, right?

I have been working here for 25 years, since the center was founded. My job at the moment is mainly technical work and staff management, but I started with the cutting leaves task to feed the Langurs. It was when I was young! (laughs).

EPRC was very different back then!

Yes, it started with few small enclosures and many animals coming in constantly… It was difficult because we didn’t have as many resources as we have today to run the center. Now it is much better.

How does a normal day of work look like as a technical head keeper?

I deal mostly with enclosures construction, electrician and plumber work at the center. I continue most of the building work that the founder, Tilo Nadler, left after he retired. And occasionally teach the young generation so they can replace me in the future!

You also often participate in rescue operations, tell us about your experience in the field!

I have been involved in rescuing animals for more than a decade. A good operation depends a lot on the people holding them, sometimes they can be hard to cooperate with. Before, they could even bring people over to force us to buy the animals. But for the last 2 or 3 years, things have been easier. People have heard of the center so rescues became more common and smooth.

And yet, it is often quite exhausting…

Yes, we rescue primates all over Vietnam and need the car to travel back with them… sometimes the trip takes up to 3 or 4 days! The hardest job is rescuing a baby, it is particularly fragile and needs our full attention. We cannot take a real break to eat or rest, we have to drive 24/7 so they can do a health check by our veterinarian as soon as possible.

Thank you Vinh!



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